Cheerleading Information

Q: How long is the season?
A: Typically season begins in mid-August and goes to the end of October, but it can go into November for competitive squads.
Q: What does the practice schedule look like?
A: Depending on age/team practices can be anywhere from one-three days a week
Q: How long is practice?
A: Again, depending on age/team, practice can be anywhere from 1 hour to 2.5 hours
Q: Where is practice held?
A: During the summer, practice is held outdoors at the Hansen School Field. Once school starts, we move indoors. Location TBD.
Q: Do we cheer at football games?
A: Yes, we cheer at football games. We usually have eight a season. Some are home, and others are away. Home games are on Sundays. Away games can be Saturday or Sunday.
Q: Are there any cheer competitions?
A: Yes. Depending on the age, we can go to anywhere from 1-3 cheer competitions.
Q: Are there any additional fees?
A: Yes, every cheerleader will need a cheer package (shoes, tank top, shorts, bag). Depending on the team, there will also be a mandatory cheer camp fee for choreography. Both of these fees are TBD.
Q: When does my child get a uniform?
A: Your child will be fitted for her uniform at paperwork night, which usually takes place in July. Check our Facebook page for updates.
Q: What is paperwork night?
A: Paperwork night is when we gather all required league documentation that your child needs to cheer (birth certificate, report card, physical dated in 2023).
Q: Do you need any coaches and/or volunteers?
A: YES! We can always use help as this is a volunteer youth program.
If interested in helping in any way, please reach out to Cheer Coordinator Katie Benoit at [email protected]